Jan 25, 2025 - New Updates Released - Heritage Pool Supply Integration
Heritage Pool Supply integration, edit & send Jobs from app, line items with negative amounts, customer tags in reports + more
Heritage Pool Supply integration, edit & send Jobs from app, line items with negative amounts, customer tags in reports + more
Leading the Pool Company Software Industry with 14 Major Releases & 285 New Features
Create Jobs from app, set pricing margins, new tech permissions, view activity history on payments, sync QBO locations, API upgrades + more
Integration with LaMotte Spin Touch. Send chemistry readings from Spin Touch to Pool Brain in one tap and know if technicians change anything
Collaboration between pool industry tech leaders is the key to eliminating green pools and represents the future of pool service
Industry-first collaboration with Waterguru for automatic remote data monitoring on any body of water, new graphs, equipment improvements
Techs can now view all customer, equipment, job, route stop, quote, invoice, and payment history/details if they have permission + more
Orenda Calculator improvements, new chem readings added, payroll & quote reporting improvements, new user permissions & more
Auto-email customers when their route day changes, auto-follow up on past due invoices, auto-follow up on quotes and more!
Customer notes & photo captions in app show in customer email, Job reschedule & duplicate buttons, Pay bonus for covering route stops + more
Send text message from app letting customer know you're on the way, new upcoming invoice options & more.
Eric Knight, host of Orenda's Rule Your Pool Podcast talks with Adam Beech, CEO of Pool Brain, about the unique way Orenda's LSI calculator has been...
Open API (build your own integrations), new quoting features, attach photos & PDFs to products/services, salt system app indicators & more
Orenda dosing calculator integration with LSI, auto-dose even more chems, control dose targets / default dose chem & more.
Bulk actions on invoices, direct customer import tool, Pool Brain logo removed from emails, precise control of QuickBooks Online customer linking &...
View, edit & report on upcoming monthly invoices (add parts in advance), change auto-invoice date, edit individual due dates + more
Alerts management improvements - view filtering, bulk dismissing, X consecutive visits trigger option, route stop times graph & more
Major improvements to customer feedback visibility & reporting, backwash and filter clean/salt cell clean counter for when actions will be required,...
Quote sales & one time job commission pay tracking, Heaters added to equipment bar, Change prices in app, Create products/services in app...
Customer notes tab, send email from your own domain, auto-send multiple route stop emails on a single property, web activity logs and more
Pool Brain has big things planned for 2023 and we'll be launching a new release in January 2023.
Pool Brain added 100+ product enhancements in 2022 (no, you didn't read that wrong).
View chem reading/dosing history on graph in app, automatic swim wait message, 5 new reports, workflow changes for chems and new readings